Meet your UX content gal pal

I'm Slater, and I’ll empower you to launch your UX content career with confidence 🌟

slater katz

Let's face it β€” breaking into UX content is hard

UX content is like a different language, and imposter syndrome is all too real. On top of that, there are tons of aspiring UX writers and content designers competing for the same roles that all seem to β€œrequire” 3 – 5 years of UX writing experience. How the heck is someone supposed to find their spot in this incredibly-welcoming yet ever-exclusive field?

Answer: The UX Gal πŸ‘‡

The UX Gal is your UX content gal pal, here to make learning UX writing and content design a piece of cake and landing a UX content job easy-peasy 🌻

Who runs this ship? 🚒

slater katz

I'm Slater Katz, and I've 100% been in your shoes. In 2019, I was a laid-off copywriter with big UX writing dreams. I couldn't quite wrap my head around technical explanations of UX writing and content design, and landing a UX content job felt like a pipe dream.

But I buckled down, and within ~1.5 months, I taught myself enough about UX content to be dangerous and landed my first official UX writing job with Fitbit. Since then, I've gone on to write UX copy for companies like Netflix, Chime, Afterpay, Verizon, Opendoor, and many more.

Now, I help aspiring UX writers build the careers of their dreams (and their wallets πŸ’°) through fantastically-simple education that clicks.

Start your week with the UX Content Jumpstart πŸ•Ί

The UX Content Jumpstart is the most actionable UX content newsletter you'll *actually* learn from. There are 4 parts to your weekly UX Content Jumpstart:

1. A UX writing tip β€” a super actionable UX writing tactic you can apply today

2. A good example of UX writing β€” including why I think it's a good example and how you can evaluate the example to come to your own conclusion

3. A β€œbad” example of UX writing β€” including why I think it's a β€œbad” example and how you can evaluate the example to come to your own conclusion

4. A UX writing exercise β€” an engaging, interactive prompt based on real-world UX writing scenarios for you to easily complete in the week

When you're trying to break into UX writing and content design, you need actionable insights to learn by doing.

And that's exactly what I aim to accomplish for you – for free – every Monday morning. Join now πŸ‘‡

Happy UX writing πŸ––

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